Golden Hour: A Deep Dive

You have heard the term, you've seen candles named after it, photographers hashtag it - but what is this illusive Golden Hour and why are we all obsessed with it? To answer this in simple, direct terms, Golden Hour is when the sun hovers right before sunset. The lower it gets, the more orangey, buttery light melts through your surroundings. Photographers offer sessions at Golden Hour knowing that the sky and the sun are going to 'perform' in a way that adds to your photos. You'll see Golden Hour on your wedding timeline as a moment to go chase the light - it's something that most of us pay attention to.

In 2024 I realized that the term can be a little misunderstood by those who don't obsess over the position of the sun in conjunction to where you are located during your session - and I understand that completely. Why would anyone have to understand Golden Hour? We appreciate that gorgeous light as it floods through our windows or surrounds us on a walk - but only those of us who use it as a session time understand that Golden Hour changes through the year - and it is not always a sure thing.

Children playing and laughing together on sandy dunes at sunset.

Golden Hour Changes Through the Year

Which is why it can sometimes be a confusing topic. As a photographer I have been asked to move Golden Hour portraits ahead or behind schedule and I have to politely remind people that unfortunately, I cannot control the sun. Golden Hour is fickle - sometimes the sky does not cooperate, sometimes we are somewhere that the sun dips before we can grab it due to elevation or lack there of - it is a delicate balance. Most photographers know their Golden Hour spots and know the time of year to capitalize on them the most. We'll know what venues offer the best opportunity for Golden Hour and which ones don't. All in all, it is a conversation worth having if that light is what you are chasing.

Newlywed couple posing under trees at sunset near a lake. Long Island Wedding Photographer Fireside Sparrow Photography

So when is Golden Hour?

Now that we have talked about what Golden Hour is and how there are variables to tracking it down - here are the times you can expect Golden Hour by month. Now keep in mind, the times will move from the beginning of the month to the end of the month. This list reflects Golden Hour in the afternoon (there is one after Sunrise as well in the morning)

January: Start of the month - 3:50pm start time. End of the month - 4:30pm start time

February: Start of the month - 4:30pm start time. End of the month - 5:00pm start time

March: Start of the month - 5:10 start time. End of the month - 6:40pm start time

April: Start of the month - 6:40pm start time. End of the month - 7:10pm start time.

May: Start of the month - 7:11pm start time. End of the month - 7:30pm start time.

June: Start of the month - 7:40pm start time. End of the month - 7:50pm start time.

July: Start of the month - 7:50pm start time. End of the month - 7:30pm start time.

August: Start of the month - 7:30pm start time. End of the month - 6:50pm start time.

September: Start of the month - 6:50pm start time. End of the month - 6:00pm start time

October: Start of the month - 6:00pm start time. End of the month - 5:15pm start time.

November: Start of the month - 5:10pm start time. End of the month - 4:45pm start time

December: Start of the month - 3:45pm start time. End of the month - 3:50pm start time.

Family walking on sandy path through juniper trees at sunset.

Golden hour is more than a vibe

Now that we know what, and when Golden Hour is - it is also more than just the vibe of your photos. It is a setting within itself. Golden Hour can take a place you've seen many times before and transform it, just by using the position of the sun. Golden Hour is NOT sunset, but like sunsets, no two are exactly alike. No two Golden Hours perform the same. Sunset creates 'blue hour' which is what follows Golden Hour. Blue hour can be just as fun as Golden Hour but it is Golden Hour's cooler cousin. Yes, that was a pun and I am not sorry for it.

I can say whole heartedly if Golden Hour does not work out due to overcast skies, elevation, or a timeline mishap - fear not. Your photographer will know how to get you amazing photos in any light. Hiring the right professional that thrives in all settings is how to make it happen. But we cannot deny that when Golden Hour works - it is pure magic.

Intimate moment between newlyweds in formal attire during golden hour. Fireside Sparrow Photography Long Island Wedding Photographer
Is it time to book your Golden Hour Session?

Fireside Sparrow Photography is run by Stephanie Coiro and is based on Long Island. Stephanie travels and her husband Steve is her associate shooter. Together they are a husband and wife photography team who specialize in Weddings and Families. Your legacy matters and it starts with a portrait. Contact Stephanie via this website and follow Fireside Sparrow on Instagram @firesidesparrow for more of her portfolio and BTS of photography.